The Window of the Wedding Photographer

One dark evening i passed the lightened window of a wedding photographer with a sidelong glance.
But then had to come back after a few more steps….
The biggest photo showed in black&white an asian looking woman speaking with her eyes to those of the groom towards her.
And there they came: the memories of me and my chinese ex-girlfriend alone in a rowboat while on an excursion on a sunny day at a quiet little lake near Arxan, Inner Mongolia  –
and there were so many glints of goldfishes around our boat all the time!!  …
And really !! – i had no doubt, this was an unmistakeble sign of the ongoing luck with kisses, embracings and orgasms we will share with one another in the years going on !! ..
.. Well ..  she left me some months – or even weeks later .-. and now is working in a so-called !!! Nail-Studio !!! called „Amaryllis“, in Olbia, on the italian island of Sardinia. [see: ]
but allthewhile I got this crazy imagination, in one of the hundreds of thousands windows of wedding-photographers worldwide there must be a picture of us
on this boat-trip .. shoot by someone with a zoom lens from the lakeshore .. hiding in the moving shadows of the trees ..
After having this idea first i became so obsessed with it, that in each city i set foot in, i start my days searching for wedding photographers there and browse their windows carefully…