Stunning News from an Yahoo Japan Auction !!!

A Gilette fan from Japan sent us this information! There’s a water bottle with the imprint „Spring Workshop Weekend – Gilette Muette – Kyushu / Japan 2022“ up for auction.
Allegedly this is a proof print of the label for the 0.5 liter bottles which should have been distributed to the participants at the Spring Workshop on the island of Kyushu. Already almost 400 dollars are bid! And the auction lasts until 4.9.2022!
Since this workshop did not take place, no water bottles have been distributed. In this respect, the bottle up for auction is an exceptional rarity.
Provided that its no fake! An obvious suspicion, since it is known that Gilette fans sometimes spend a lot of money on a product associated with their idol. A few months ago, we received a photo of the official label, which differs considerably from this draft. Reported on her FB- Fan Site on June 12, 2022.
In 2020 already, a dented and EMPTY shoe box for Gilette High Heels which are sold on her official website has been up on Yahoo Japan for a considerable sum.…/…/
And this is only what becomes known to the wider public. Probably in forums unknown to us on the net, many similar objects are constantly hawked at prices that increase from year to year.
Without any doubt, such suspicion could be eliminated only if Gilette Muette would confirm it herself as an original proof print. Whether she does so is very doubtful. –
If anyone is in possession of further information, we would be very grateful for its transmission to us. Apart from her official site we may boast to be the next most important channel for the distribution of information about her