Night Opening / Nachtöffnung


Une chanson triste, pleine d’enthousiasme (robot transl. dwnstrs)

Une chanson triste, pleine d’enthousiasme et d’élan sportif, chantée pour la belle française á „Chez Pannier“ á Berlin. . engl.: A sad song, full of enthusiasm and sporting momentum, sung for the beautiful french girl at „Chez Pannier“ in Berlin.
– Here’s a bad robot translation from my bad french. Better not read it !!

You are beautiful, you are very beautiful…
No .. wait! – wait! .. You are too beautiful! .. that’s it!!
Yes! .. much too beautiful. Really. Absolutely. Surely … !! …
but … it means … in .. in certain circumstances …
for example: … when the light is good …
No … wait … I have to think about this again … think .. very deeply …
when you have washed yourself well … that’s it!!
or preferably .. when you have taken a big bath! … Yes …
A very big bath !!
with lots of natural mountain herbs in it !!!
.. the herbs hidden far in the mountains above Grenoble ..
.. And me .. and me .. I would be happy to pick them in the hills …
with pleasure I would climb these hills well before dawn …
I would seek them in the silence of the first pink light of the morning ….
I let the softest and earliest light guide me
to the rarest,
the strangest and most precious plants
To bring them into your big bath
In your bathtub ..
a bathtub as big as a living room without a castle
but .. without .. castle !! ..
You are beautiful, you are very beautiful…
No .. wait! – wait! .. You are too beautiful! .. that’s it!!
Yes! .. much too beautiful. Really. Absolutely. Surely … !! …
but … it means … in .. in certain circumstances …
for example: … when the light is good …
No … wait … I have to think about this again … think .. very deeply …
when you have washed yourself well … that’s it!!
or preferably .. when you have taken a big bath! … Yes …
A very big bath !!
with lots of natural mountain herbs in it !!!
.. the herbs hidden far in the mountains above Grenoble ..
… And me .. and me .. I would be happy to pick them in the hills …
with pleasure I would climb these hills well before dawn …
I would seek them in the silence of the first pink light of the morning ….
I let the softest and earliest light guide me
to the rarest,
the strangest and most precious plants
To bring them into your big bath
In your bathtub ..
a bathtub as big as a living room without a castle
but .. without .. castle !! ..
there has never been a castle …
there has always been only this big bathroom
nothing else !!..
in a forest far from here! ..
without means to find it …
without means and paths …
And the indescribable scent of the mountains rises above the water!
In which you will bathe … an hour or two …
I don’t know .. I can’t know that !! .
As long as you feel very good there … like nowhere else
Like nowhere else for a very long time …
after all this …
.. it’s only after all this !!
I can say it
that you are beautiful … too beautiful! … much too beautiful!
not before … .
It’s impossible in the past! —
in no case! …
it can’t be …
will never be!