A deer. Ein Hirsch. Un cerf.
chanson citron
trois couteaux presque égaux three almost equal knives drei fast gleiche Messer 三把幾乎相同的刀
A little red flower in the night supported by blue plastic meant to be sent as a message to the ex-chinese-girlfriend from Shaanxi. 在藍色塑料支持的夜晚,一朵小紅花意味著作為信息發送給陝西...
A nun is looking at a museum to a mediaeval painting of a cathedral, and suddenly its two-winged gate is blooming on her lily-white dress – in monastic te...
To talk to her
“Ein Mann, der – kaum hatte er sein Taxi verlassen – Kopf und Arm verlor aus mysteriösen amourösen Gründen“. – engl.: „A man , ...