Gilette Muette is a lot more a beauty than Marlene or Marilyn ..

We are just 100% shure!
And she has the better lines in her films! – Like this surprisingly strange example. Taken from: „GILETTE III“. -(We found only the German dubbed version in a hurry and added a heavy damaged robot translation)
„Die Sätze mit ihrem Schwarzgeflügel aus Worten sind wie ein Schwarm Vögel, der unter wildem Gezwitscher aus der Krone eines Baums herausflirrt – den sie vorher ganz ungesehen bevölkert haben. Eine kleine Weile fliegen sie noch zwitschernd sich zerstreuend in nächster Nachbarschaft dem Himmel entgegen … bis sie sich schließlich ganz darin verlieren.“
– „Und manchmal wird man vielleicht dessen gewahr, dass hinter ihnen der ganze Baum verschwunden ist, weil sie selber dieser Baum waren“.

_____dmgd rbtx english_______

„The sentences, with their blackwing of words, are like a flock of birds wildly chirping flitting out from the crown of a tree that they had previously populated quite unseen. For a little while they fly scattering in next neighborhood towards the sky … until they finally lose themselves completely in it.“

– „And sometimes, perhaps, one becomes aware that behind them the whole tree has disappeared, because they themselves were this tree“.

The Gilette Muette Deer And Roe Blood Lipstick Presentation.

From an anonymous source !! – – Within a few months, the Gilette Muette Management [GMM] will be launching a completely new type of lipstick consisting a serious share of pure deer and roe blood! – It is said of close to 30% containing!! — The lipstick will be offered as a new part of the Gilette Muette Product Line.
Apparently, intensive work has been done on its development for 2 to 3 years and it went into production just 2 months ago in the strictest secrecy.
The anonymous sender of this information claims that it was not possible for him to take a photo of the product because all access to the production and storage areas are subject to extreme access controls.
He was not even able to find out the PR company that is dealing with the creation of the marketing tools for this truly unique product and of course much less the name of the new lipstick and how and with which instruments, slogans and photos, they intend to sell this product to the public. –
– That’s absolutely all the information we’ve gotten so far on what’s going on behind the scenes. — Maybe we can expect at this exceptional occasion new photos of her posing with the lipstick!! –. Let’s hope strong for this!!
Once again we call on all of Gilette’s readers and fans who are closely related to her and her management to help us with more information and photos to do her worldwide followers a big favor! —
Our illustration only has to do with the upcoming Gilette Lipstick in a broader sense. We decided to use any photo of a deer in close view in its place.

In honor of Julian Assange. Persecuted and tortured since 12 years by the fukhkin USA and Great Poop Britain for telling the truth about their crimes against humankind.

„The invisible wound“. [2/3].

Assange Wunde-0101
Aperture: 2.8
Iso: 800
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