For the chinese ex-girlfriend only. „Baby I love you“
from an unsent letter: „The sun is as far away as you are. But when I touch her rays with a finger when she shines like today I feel her warmth. Thats why I am talking about you. I want to make rays out of my words pronouncing you – that my lips where touched by yours in speaking.“ –
the music to dance to:
Gilette Muette is a lot more a beauty than Marlene or Marilyn ..
We are just 100% shure!
And she has the better lines in her films! – Like this surprisingly strange example. Taken from: „GILETTE III“. -(We found only the German dubbed version in a hurry and added a heavy damaged robot translation)
„Die Sätze mit ihrem Schwarzgeflügel aus Worten sind wie ein Schwarm Vögel, der unter wildem Gezwitscher aus der Krone eines Baums herausflirrt – den sie vorher ganz ungesehen bevölkert haben. Eine kleine Weile fliegen sie noch zwitschernd sich zerstreuend in nächster Nachbarschaft dem Himmel entgegen … bis sie sich schließlich ganz darin verlieren.“
– „Und manchmal wird man vielleicht dessen gewahr, dass hinter ihnen der ganze Baum verschwunden ist, weil sie selber dieser Baum waren“.
_____dmgd rbtx english_______
„The sentences, with their blackwing of words, are like a flock of birds wildly chirping flitting out from the crown of a tree that they had previously populated quite unseen. For a little while they fly scattering in next neighborhood towards the sky … until they finally lose themselves completely in it.“
– „And sometimes, perhaps, one becomes aware that behind them the whole tree has disappeared, because they themselves were this tree“.