Visiting Cinema Centrale: „GILLETTE“.

Immer noch bin ich in Rapallo. (english at the end). In der kleinen Wohnung der Vietnamesin, die meistens in Portofino arbeitet, weil da mehr Geld zu machen ist. Ich gehe jeden Tag in der von der Sonne erhitzten Stadt herum und frage mich, warum ich nicht weiter nach Sardinien fahre. Eigentlich bewege ich mich schon wieder weg davon. Natürlich gibt es Antworten darauf. Ich muß sie nicht aussprechen. Wenn ich weder das Fragen noch die Antworten mehr hören oder einfach vor der Hitze in den tiefsten Schatten flüchten will, gehe ich ins Kino. Meistens in denselben Film: „GILLETTE“ im Cinema Centrale. Gottseidank spielen sie den hier ziemlich oft. Ich war von dem Plakat irgendwie angezogen und wollte einfach sehen, wie sich diese Frau bewegt bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten und so weiter. Inzwischen kenne ich natürlich alle Szenen genau und weiß im voraus wohin sie in der nächsten geht und was sie da zu wem sagt. Aber weil ich kein italienisch verstehe, weiß ich nicht, worums geht (- ausser den üblichen Streitereien der Liebe vermutlich). Das ist eigentlich sehr gut, denn sonst wäre ich vermutlich schon lange gelangweilt davon, immer diesselben Worte zu hören. Der Klang ihrer Stimme langweilt mich jedoch nicht. – Einmal brach der Film aus technischen Gründen ab und das Bild blieb einfach stehen.

Da sah die Frau plötzlich so aus, als wüßte sie selber nicht, was in der nächsten Szene passiert oder wer da vor ihren Augen erscheint. – Immer hoffe ich jetzt auf diesen Moment: – den Stillstand der städtischen Elektrizitätswerke.


Still i am in Rapallo. At the apartment of the vietnamese, which mostly works in Portofino, because there is more money to make. Every day i go out walking in the sun bruised streets of the city and ask myself why i didn’t go on to Porto Cervo, Sardinia. In fact i already moved into the opposite direction. Of course there are answers. I don’t have to tell them here. When i couldn’t stand neither the asking nor the answer or just like to vanish from the heat into the deepest shadow, i enter a cinema. Mostly -always- in the same movie: „GILLETTE“ at the Cinema Centrale. Blessedly they play it in „heavy rotation“ here. I was drawn into it by the picture they showed at the street and i simply wanted to see how this woman moves under different circumstances and so on. By now -having seen it often- i shure know where she is going in the next scene and whom she meets there. But since i do not understand italian, i didn‘ catch any meaning and do not know what it is all about (besides the hassle of love i assume). I considered myself fortunate about this, because otherwise i would be bored – repeatedly hearing the same words over and over. Concentrated just on her voice, i wasn’t bored at all. – One day the film stopped abruptly, due to technical difficulties – and the actual picture stood still.

Then the woman all of a sudden looked as if she did not know by herself what is going on next or who will appear there in front of her eyes.

Always i hope now for this exact moment: – the standstill of the municipal utilities.

The Rapallo Concert Invitation.

The Rapallo Concert Invitation. The vietnamese girl at the restaurant in Portofino did not wanted to be kissed at all. But before she left she said: „You are not looking like a tourist“. I said: “ No. I am looking for a ferry to get to Sardinia and find someone which i miss a lot“. She said: “ The day after tomorrow there’s a concert in Rapallo. Not far from here“. And she gave me an Invitation-Ticket and said: “ I’m gonna play the viola there“. – Then – I really went to Rapallo 2 days later. In front of the Concert-Hall the vietnamese was sitting on the stairs. I sat down beneath her. She said: „I’m not playing any viola or something else“. I said: “ I knew. Where did you get the invitation ticket from ?“ – She said: “ A rich Portofino-Asshole gave it to me“. I said: „What a good idea !“The Rapallo Concert Invitation.

Finally reached on my way to Sardinia .. Portofino

Finally reached on my way to Sardinia the coast of Italy at a small village called „Portofino“. Of course i did not find my lost chinese girlfriend there – like the silly song said. But in a plain little restaurant -where they played this kind of sentimental music- i successfully was able to buy a lonely sitting vietnamese girl for to dance with me. She did not smiled at all, but this was definitely OK with me. Besides she reminded me of the Swiss-Lifeguard-Helicopter-Pilot’s wife in the Tessin and still while dancing i decided to send her a nice postcard with my thankful regards for her hospitality and serving me this delicious and unforgettable „Costin da purcel al rosmarin“. At the end of the dance i asked the vietnamese girl what she was thinking or whom she was imagening meanwhile. Elle m’a dit: „Quelle question du gris !!“ – and i wanted to kiss her for that.


I forgot to say, that the swiss-lifeguard-helicopter-pilot ..

I forgot to say, that the swiss-lifeguard-helicopter-pilot (-who photographed me before-) invited me to visit him and his beloved wife (see picture he sent me !!)in his home in a little sun spreaded beautiful village. For i could not help it, i interrupted my journey climbing through the cold, snowy and stone-lonely alps to the tyrrhenian coast and went instead straight to his described home and address in the Tessin. There i found his wife alone waiting for him and inviting me to a very-special local meal and wine from swiss origin too. Then having this dinner with her – noticing she had got straight shiny black hair that reminded me so much about my long not seen chinese girlfriend – and i had to leave her table immediately to get back into the cold of the icy and deserted alps to continue my journey to the very end … wherever it may be found ..

Schweizer Rettungswacht-Hubschrauber-Pilot ..

Aus ganz unerklärbaren Gründen (naja: ein Schweizer Rettungswacht-Hubschrauber-Pilot schickte es mir zu) gelangte ich in den Besitz dieses Fotos, das mich beim Überqueren der Alpen zeigt – in dem Bestreben dahinter die Küste des tyrrhenischen Meeres zu erreichen und eine Überfahrt nach Sardinien zu gewinnen. – Da war kein anderer Weg. –

For quite inexplicable reasons (well: a Swiss lifeguard helicopter pilot sent it to me), I came into possession of this photo that shows me crossing the Alps – in an effort behind it to reach the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea and a ferry to Sardinia. – There wasn’t another way.Schweizer Rettungswacht-Hubschrauber-Pilot ..

The sicily tortoise picture

Foto das mir meine chinesische Freundin aus Sizilien schickte.

Sie schreibt dazu, sie sei dann diesen fotografierten Hang

hinaufgegangen und um ein Haar dabei auf eine kleine Schildkröte getreten.

Sie habe dann den Einfall gehabt, auf eines der kleinen Plättchen ihres Panzers

ein chinesisches Zeichen zu malen in Erinnerung an mich.

Da sie keine Farbe dabei hatte, habe sie sich mit dem Dorn einer Distel in

die Fingerspitze gestochen und das Zeichen mit ihrem Blut und dem Dorn als Feder gemalt.


Photo which has been sent from my chinese girlfriend during a long hiking tour in sicily.

She wrote, she has been climbing the slope after making the photo, and by a hair’s breadth

trodden on a little turtle. – This incident gave her the idea, to paint a little chinese sign

onto her tortoise shell in remembrance of me. – Because she had’nt any colours with her, she took a thorn of a thistle, picked it into a fingertip and did it with her own blood and used the thorn as an painting instrument.

isn’t she sweet ?

To impress my chinese girlfriend ..

To impress my chinese girlfriend (Ex- ((??)) – ((she still is somewhere down there at Porto Cervo, Costa Smeralda, Sardinia – without letting me know about her announced and promised Solo-Exhibition at the Gallery of this so-called High-Priced-Galerist (speaking german – who knows why?) who asked her for her „See-Stücke“ – painted to be on the Sailing-Tour between Sicily and Sardina) i decided to learn to play the accordeon. For a starter i bought a radiator at the fleamarket this sunday morning for a reasonable and affordable price – did some reconstruktioning (see picture !!)and started to rehearse already the hours since then ..- Hope she get a glimpse and some nice chimes from it ..

My chinese girlfriend sent me a message .. from sicily

My chinese girlfriend sent me a message, saying she find my latest messages
inspiring enough to consider to come back one of these days. But beforehand
she accepted the invitation of a galerist she met in a café at some shabby
sicilian port.
He proposed her a solo-exhibition in his Gallery at Porto Cervo on Costa Smeralda, Sardinia.
His only condition was, that she has to paint some „Seestücke“ (he seems to be german),
while on their way sailing on his big white boat from Sicily to Sardinia.
Shurely i asked her to send me a photo, to post it here.

Forest covered beach at Costa Smeralda, Sardinia

Forest covered beach on Costa Smeralda, Sardinia. She sent this little photo today. These chinese women are unpredictable ! – Dicht bewaldeter Strand an der Smaragd-Küste von Sardinien. Sie schickte das heute. Diese chinesischen Frauen sind unvorhersehbar. – But who the hell made it !! – Must have been this so-called „Gallery-Owner“ from Porto Cervo – ain’t it ?! – But then … WHY did she sent it to me ?

Als ich meine chinesische Freundin zum erstenmal traf .. [No.1]

Als ich meine chinesische Freundin zum erstenmal traf, (english at the end) sagte ich ihr, „sie sei sehr magnetisch und wenn wir miteinander sprechen wollten, müssten wir mindestens 4 Meter Abstand halten, denn sonst würde es plötzlich „KLATSCH“ machen“ .. ich klatschte statt das Wort zu sagen, wirklich vor ihrem Gesicht in die erhobenen Hände – „und wir klebten sofort aufeinander .. – und dann sei eben das Unglück schon geschehen und die Schmerzen würden beginnen“ ..

 (and now in english: hopefully i do not make all this difficult translations completely in vain and some people in the world could profit from it) When i met my chinese girlfriend the very first time, i said to her, „she is very magnetic and whenever we meet and speak with each other we should keep a distance of at least 4 meters between us, because if we not, we stick (glue, adhere, cling) -at this point i clapped my hands together right in front of her face – straightaway without delay directly on each other .. and then the disaster (catastrophe, calamity, accident, hard blow) has already happened and the big pain is going to begin“ ..