Surprisingly, our informant close to the GM management sent us some photos from a session which have not been used by them. We experimented a bit and will publish some here exclusively in irregular intervals.
The Autumn Workshop Weekend 2021 is already fully booked ..
after 4 days! As an insider told us, there were over 12,000 participation requests from all over the world.
„Nur Singen! Der Zuschauer ohne seine Hauptsache“/ „Only singing! The spectator without his main – or better: head thing“.
Remembering a HAPPENING I did all by myself. With the help of two pretty sisters: A. (The legs) and H. (The singer).
The title was: „Nur Singen! Der Zuschauer ohne seine Hauptsache“/ „Only singing! The spectator without his main – or better: head thing“.
A. moved her legs wearing black nylons on the wall from left to right and reverse all the time while people came in.
I asked everyone to give me one of their shoes. Some followed – pulled off a shoe.
I took it – got on a ladder and taped them to the wall above her feet – while she was laying blindly under the white sheet below always moving her legs.
Through an nearby open staircase to the cellar we heard her sister’s voice singing melodies without words from a tape down below.
An echo of a connection to this made it to the Facebook Group: „Die Stimmen der Schuhe. – The voices of shoes“.