Autor: zillo
Die rothaarige Notärztin und ihr radikaler Verehrer. – The red-haired emergency doctor and her radical admirer. engl.rbtx.blw.
Ein am Ende tragischer Zufall führt den Passanten Q. auf seinem Weg zu einer Bushaltestelle an den Ort eines Unfalls wenige Minuten nachdem er geschehen ist. Es...
Don Quijote with a hard on ..
Don Quijote with a hard on standing on his feather-helmeted and otherwise much decorated Rosinante on the way against the next enemy there in front whose overco...
when I was young.
when I was young. when I was wearing a flat sand coloured hat conversely. when I was in an elevator. when I had a brace in my mouth. when I was wearing a blue p...