Beggar with x-ray of her foot.
Reminded me of the Joseph Beuys quote: „Zeige Deine Wunde!“ – „Show your wound“ –
Reminded me of the Joseph Beuys quote: „Zeige Deine Wunde!“ – „Show your wound“ –
The parking lot in my heart is empty ever since my Chinese ex-girlfriend stopped parking her shining flying saucer here. But the walls all around are still glow...
leaving to somewhere with a lot of writing in bricks behind
Ein unglaubwürdiger Zufall befördert einen Mann, – einen Nichtschwimmer übrigens – genau in jener Minute ans Ufer eines einsamen Waldsee’s in ...
他說,嘴裡有三把新刀 “我會讓我的愛像一場大火一樣閃耀 貪婪地吞下大雨和冰雹“