New Rumours About Gilette Muette-Live-Photo-Exhibition

There have been lately a lot of reliable new messages about an upcoming exhibition of photos of her.
And .. this really comes for a big surprise ! – it will not be in Arabia [], nor in Denmark [] — it will be happen close to us ! — in our native hometown !.. in BERLIN !.. and not only that!! .. it will be happening in KREUZBERG !! .. YEAH !! .. –  By now we are not allowed to publish the exact place and date of the event .. this is of course reserved for her official site – see here: [] — — but .. we can assure you, it will be starting in not too far of a time and it will be a place that fits perfectly for such an iconic screen diva like Gilette Muette !!! ..
this is promised here and today !! ..

There is a saying too, she’ll fly in for this special evening and is willing to spent an hour to give autograms .. shurely some of the rarest of a film-star in our times ..!!

We advice every Gilette-Fan out there to enlist at the reservation list as soon it is published on her site [] !  There is a limited amount of people who can enter the hall and be close to her !!

As a special favour, we can offer a very small list of subscribers (10 only!) that we can bring in on our Gilette-Fan-Club-List ! .. So please be quick !
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